The online version of our Accountability Builder program was created by based on & nbsp; bestsellers by New York Times and Wall Street Journal - " The Oz Principle ". It uses the same recognized tools & nbsp; that are used by the best companies & nbsp; in the world to achieve results through personal and organizational responsibility.
Accountability Builder LIVE ONLINE
Accelerate the achievement of the desired results through a positive perception of accountability. Form a new definition of accountability: accountability as a personal choice to rise above circumstances and be fully involved in achieving results. Use a common language with your peers to recognize Below The Lone® behavior. Learn to rise Above The Line®. Throughout the program, participants learn and practice skills, approaches and tools that help them take the next steps: see a real situation, become aware of their own involvement, find a solution and implement it. This program will help company employees develop a culture of accountability in their organization, avoid “playing with excuses,” focus on results and constantly ask themselves the question “What else can I do?”, Overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
- Clarify Key Results™ and align your daily tasks with the Organization's Key Results
- Accelerate the process of change through a positive perception of accountability
- Apply the Results Pyramid to shape the organization's performance culture
- Use the Steps to Accountability to transform Behavior Above The Line into productivity Above The Line
- Create a way of thinking Perception-Involvement-Decision-Action to implement the planned plan
Program formats:
- Webinar - 90 minutes online program
- Short online session - interactive session for 4 hours (1 day)
- Full online session - interactive session for 8 hours (2 days)