A holistic, structured, and systematic process of navigating together providing entire teams and their members an in-depth analysis and the next phase of the team movement and development.
Team Navigation™ creates a thorough customized roadmap of alignment with the organizational goals. Brings clarity, certainty, and powerful buy- in about the path forward. Offers a clear roadmap to your team with milestones to get them there. Helps the team to overcome obstacles and create the culture that is needed for thriving in times of change. Enables your people to succeed during change and beyond.
A process of interviews, web-based assessments, and analysis and finally customization of the solution to the findings.
A two-day interactive facilitated process creating together the next phase of the team using the N.E.W.S.® Compass™.
Four annual checkpoints.
Optional N.E.W.S. ® Executive Coaching™.
A fast, deep, and structured process of two days joint navigation based on the N.E.W.S.® Compass™. High impact, engaging and motivating process that leads to alignment, commitment, and accountability of team members. Results-oriented clear deliverables with excellent track record globally.